UV Light for Disinfection

The Best UV Disinfection Solution 

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UV Light will effectively kill bacteria, fungi and selected microorganisms

Advanced UV-C Light Technology for Facility Sanitization:

  • 65% Reduction of labor cost: If currently using a fixed method to clean rooms, UVD Robots are easy to control and can map and disinfect a 269 sq ft space in less than 10 minutes. They excel as the premier UV light solution for room disinfection in various settings.
  • 99.99% of selected microorganisms: Independent testing shows that UVD Robots' 254nm UV-C solution rapidly eliminates selected microorganisms at efficacy rates of 99.999%.
  • 100% autonomous: The UVD Robots are 100% autonomous and offer repeatable disinfection through precise room mapping and position-point-based disinfection plans. Unlike static systems that require manual handling, the self-driving UVD Robots eliminate the risk of room contamination after each disinfection, ensuring consistent and dependable disinfection every time the robot operates, thereby enhancing the level of disinfection in various environments. 

UV Light Disinfection in Environments

Eliminating more than 99.99% of selected microorganisms!

UV light for room disinfection refers to a specific type of ultraviolet (UV) light that has the ability to kill or inactivate microorganisms, including bacteria and other selected microorganisms. UVD Robots, also known as UV Disinfection Robots, offer reliable and thorough UV light for environmental disinfection. Independent antimicrobial efficacy testing has shown that its UV-C disinfection methods can eliminate at least 99.99% of selected microorganisms.

This is a higher efficacy rate than manual cleaning and disinfection methods alone, which often fail to eliminate all selected microorganisms such as S. aureus or E. coli.

UVD Robots' full autonomy also reduces the risk of errors and labor costs, making it a valuable addition to manual cleaning and any business' cleaning process.

The ultraviolet light disinfection robot can reduce microorganisms in various facilities. Moreover, it might lead to cost savings, as each UVD Robot can cover multiple sections within a facility