UVD Robots serve a wide range of customers. What they all have in common is the desire for proper and thorough disinfections. This is why so many customers choose UVD Robots. Our autonomous systems enhance the environmental cleaning process and efficiently destroy microorganisms.
During July and August 2021, the hospital laboratory at "San Juan De Dios", Zaragoza carried out a quantitative microbiological study on various surfaces of the patient rooms in order to compare the efficacy of the disinfection performed by the UVD Robot against traditional disinfectants.
Learn how the General Hospital “Dr Ivo Pedisic” Sisak in Croatia, has experienced great results in the robot’s effectiveness, showing no existence of organisms after disinfection.
Clean environments are essential to dental care. Dental procedures may leave a patient exposed to bacteria and viruses, increasing infection risks - but there are solutions to these issues.