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UV-C Light Disinfection Myths – and their realities

Ready to separate fact from fiction? Dive into 5 common myths surrounding UV-C light disinfection and the truths behind them! 


Myth 1:
UV-C light cannot reach shadowed areas.


While it is true that shadows can reduce the effectiveness of UV-C light, proper planning and equipment placement can mitigate some of the shadowing challenges. However, a more efficient solution exists: self driving robots!

UVD Robots are mobile and equipped with self-driving capabilities, using 254 nm UV-C light for environmental disinfection. Their mobility and self-driving capabilities allow them to effectively move around the room and reach most shadowed areas that might otherwise be obscured.


In summary, understanding the invisible spectrum of UV light unveils a world of possibilities. With UV-C light emerging as a powerful tool for disinfection, we can harness its potential in indoor facilities’ disinfection protocols. 





Myth 2:
UV-C light is harmful to all living organisms, including humans. 


While UV-C light can be harmful to all living organisms, including humans, it is important to recognize that these risks can be effectively managed. The effectiveness of UV-C light in disinfecting surfaces and eliminating microorganisms, especially at the 254 nm wavelength is well-documented. When utilized correctly and in accordance with recommended guidelines, UV-C light disinfection is generally considered safe.

UVD Robots harness the power of UV-C light for disinfection, and they are equipped with multiple safety features. These measures ensure not only efficient disinfection but also prioritize the safety of users and bystanders.




Myth 3:
UV-C light disinfection requires a long time to be effective.  


UV-C light disinfection is efficient and rapid. In a matter of minutes, UV-C light can inactivate a wide range of microorganisms, making it a quick and efficient method for disinfecting surfaces and air.


In a 269 sq ft room, the UVD Robots can disinfect targeted environmental surfaces in just under 10 minutes inactivating microorganisms and greatly reducing th bioburden. Moreover, the UVD Robot simplifies tasks for operators with only 3 minute staff iinvolvement needed per room of any size.




Myth 4:
UV-C light has limited applications and is only suitable for specific settings. 


UV-C light can be adapted for various settings, including schools, airports, offices, homes, public spaces and more.
Its versatility makes it applicable in diverse environments for effective disinfection.




Myth 5:
UV-C light is a new and untested technology.


UV-C light has been extensively studied and used for decades in various industries. It has a proven track record of success in disinfection, and its efficacy is well-established when used according to guidelines. UVD Robots has been on the market since 2018.1





Want to know 5 more myths and their realities?

You can download the entire overview here:

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UVD Robots provide fully automated disinfection solutions with predictable, and cost effective outcomes in indoor facilities.

Click the button to learn how our UVD Robots are using UV-C light to eliminate more than 99.99% of selected microorganisms in the environment by disinfecting with UV-C light.





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1.  Resendiz M, Blanchard D, West GF. A systematic review of the germicidal effectiveness of ultraviolet disinfection across high-touch surfaces in the immediate patient environment. J Infect Prev. 2023 Jul;24(4):166-177. doi: 10.1177/17571774231159388. Epub 2023 Mar 19. PMID: 37333872; PMCID: PMC10273798.