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How Our UV-C Light Bulbs Revolutionize Disinfection

UVD Robots are at the forefront of disinfection technology. UVD Robots leverage the power of UV-C light to provide efficient disinfection in a large variety of indoor facilities. But how do UV-C lamps work, and what makes them so effective?

The Science Behind

Our light bulbs emit UV-C light at the wavelength of 254 nanometers, and this wavelength has germicidal properties making it highly effective in breaking down the DNA and RNA of selected microorganisms. When microorganisms are exposed to UV-C light their genetic material is damaged, rendering them incapable of replication and causing them to die. 



Comprehensive Coverage and Efficient Reach

The tower design on UVD Robots allows unobstructed, efficient light spread for maximum effectiveness. The UVD Robot's UV-C lamps illuminate in a full 360-degree angle, ensuring comprehensive exposure of germicidal light on all surfaces in a room.


Consistent Performance

The UV-C lamps on UVD Robot are engineered for longevity, ensuring that UVD Robots deliver consistent disinfections over prolonged periods. This durability significantly reduces the need for frequent maintenance and replacement, providing a reliable solution.


The Inverse Square Law

The effectiveness of UV-C light disinfection is governed by the inverse square law, which states that the intensity of light decreases proportionally to the square of the distance from the source. Our UVD Robots are designed with this principle in mind, ensuring optimal positioning and movement to maintain sufficient irradiation levels throughout a room. This meticulous design maximizes the disinfection potential of our UV-C lamps.


100% Self-Driving Operation

The UV-C light emitted from the lamps does not penetrate glass, allowing for safe observation of the robot through a window. Meanwhile, the self-driving nature of UVD Robots frees up staff to attend to other tasks, enhancing productivity and efficiency.



UVD Robots’ UV-C lamps represent a significant advancement in disinfection technology. With the 360-degree coverage, extended lifespan, and self-driving operation, UVD Robots provide an effective and efficient solution for maintaining great disinfection protocols. 





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UVD Robots provide fully automated disinfection solutions with predictable, and cost effective outcomes in indoor facilities.

Click the button to learn how our UVD Robots are using UV-C light to eliminate more than 99.99% of selected microorganisms in the environment by disinfecting with UV-C light.





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